About Us
To maintain, and further develop the ideal community atmosphere for San Remo. We join our efforts and influence as citizens and taxpayers toward better zoning, road improvements and maintenance of public services to which we are rightfully entitled. We provide through our Officers, Board of Directors and Committees any and all information and advice pertinent to our local government, schools and all agencies which could directly or indirectly affect us.
We are a non-profit, non-political and non-partisan organization. While we stay neutral in a political party endeavors; however, we stay informed and concerned with Township and County policies as these would affect our community. We promote and encourage good neighborliness, community gatherings and functions, and strive to maintain San Remo as a desirable residential area.
We also protect the rights of residents regarding our waterfront property and access thereto. Your residence in San Remo gives you waterfront privileges which substantially increase the value of your property. Residents and landowners in San Remo own our waterfront and thru the civic association are responsible for paying taxes, insurance and on-going maintenance. Paying your membership dues is crucial to our ability to provide best care to the waterfront. Funding also supports our Annual Scholarship Fund which to date has provided San Remo youth with over $50,000 in scholarships
(1 Year Term)
President - Joseph Johnson
Vice President - Frank Loeffler
Treasurer - Cindy Wiencek
Recording Secretary - Kara Flannery
Financial Secretary - Kim Hagstrom
Sergeant at Arms - Leea Betts
(3 Year Term)
Peter Vita (2022 - 2025)
Kara Flannery (2022 - 2025)
Frank Loeffler (2022 - 2025)
Alan Ropke (2022 - 2025)
Kim Hagstrom (2023 - 2026)
Robert Carpenter (2023 - 2026)
Cindy Wiencek (2023 - 2026)
Frank Filacchione (2023 - 2026)
Joseph Tekverk (2024 - 2024)
Mark Schulam (2021 - 2024)
Jim Brucculer (2021 - 2024)
Camile Smerz (2021 - 2024)